The New York Time's Frank Rich is such a terrific writer. This article, Gay Bashing at the Smithsonian, shows how the usually esteemed Smithsonian caved under a homophobic attack.


Hi Friends,

In honor of Gay Pride week here are some words from my family.

"I am Peggy's brother Patrick. It's biased, let alone uncalled for, to recommend a sibling's book. The emotional tentacles are smothering.

My plea to read this book is addressed to every gay and lesbian of whatever age, to know that you are not alone, that life is worth learning and laughing with, and that whatever life throws or teaches, we are us. And we share.

Peggy rocks. Enjoy."

Patrick Kennedy

"As you may know if you've read Peg's book, I grew up with two older, gay brothers. Glenn, my oldest bro, was gay from the beginning: in a family Easter photo, he is holding the handle of his basket with both hands in front of him as one might hold a broad-brimmed summer hat. His body is curved slightly, his foot pointed delicately to the side. I, on the other hand, am standing with my feet firmly apart, gripping my basket in one hand, feeling ridiculous in my starchy spring frock.

So young, so gay, and so easy for me with two older gay brothers.

The beverages are chilling, and we've given the bouncer at the door your name.

Please join us. Come out."

Sister Sue

And from our extended family.

"After racing through Approaching Neverland, I said to my partner of 28 years "you HAVE to read this!" I kept asking her "where are you now?" "what's happening now?" I had finished the book, but the book was not finished with me. Over the next week, scenes and situations kept running through my mind. I arrived home one afternoon to find another copy of the book on my side of the bed with a note that said "you obviously need to read it again Right Now, so enjoy."

It is difficult to find words to describe Approaching Neverland because it truly has everything that a reader could want and then some. It is hard to believe that one family experienced so much "Life" and handled it with with love and grace and........humor. That 3 out of 5 children were gay was amazing. That all the Kennedy Kids were creative and successful is even more amazing.....a testament to their love and cohesion as a family. Knowing that the three GAY & LESBIAN kids were loved and celebrated along with their straight siblings, made my heart ache with envy and gratitude for their great fortune.

You can believe that the subtitle accurately describes this story as "A tale of epic tragedy and Happily Ever After." Approaching Neverland is a terrific read for our community........and every other human community.

P.S. My partner and I became 1 in 18,000 and were legally married in California last August on our 28th anniversary. ;-)"

A.M. Zubere

"Approaching Neverland is a story about life on life's terms, no matter what it throws your way. The family had beyond their share of heartbreak and tragedy. Three of the five kids are gay, yet that was NOT one of those issues...imagine that!

The story moved me in so many ways, and as a lesbian, it was gratifying to read about these siblings unfolding in their complex lives without their sexuality labeling them. A memorable read!"

L. Bartoli

(The other 1/2 of that 1 in 18,000)